These kinds of cases require you to think and act cautiously. Insisting that you have an attorney present while the police question you is entirely within your rights, and does not mean that you are in any way behaving in an uncooperative manor: all you’re doing is asking the police to respect your constitutional rights. You, and every other citizen in this country, have the right to remain silent. This means that choosing not to answer any questions before your attorney has arrived is not an act of aggression; it’s being cautious, and acting wisely.
You want an attorney who is dedicated to your case and willing to consider all the individual factors that concern it. Your lawyer should take the time necessary to understand you and your legal situation, as well as all the thoughts and feelings that you might have pertaining to your case. Your lawyer should always be optimistic and encouraging, supporting you and your case while always remaining honest. They should respect and honor your opinion while providing the appropriate legal advice. In short, your lawyer should be a member of the Hill Law Firm.
As a result of their tendency to have severe fines and penalties, all criminal cases are important. Any negative repercussions from these cases can have far-reaching consequences, hurting both you and the rest of your family. Different kinds of cases require very specific knowledge and expertise in a particular area of criminal defense, and circumstances that pertain to your arrest and charges will determine the defense strategy that your attorney chooses. To make these kinds of assessments, you will need a Houston criminal defense lawyer with extensive experience in all kinds of areas of criminal law.
DWI cases are inherently serious, and often very complex. They contain a variety of variables that lead to a plethora of options. Our Houston DWI lawyers understand the science, legal process, and the laws that will be applicable in your case. These trained professionals know the proper time to challenge evidence, and their expertise provides their clients with an incredibly favorable advantage.