What to Do If You've Been Accused of Domestic Violence in Houston, TX - Hill Law Firm, Assisting Individuals in Houston and Harris County

What to Do If You’ve Been Accused of Domestic Violence in Houston, TX

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Family violence is a serious issue. Unfortunately, HPD takes it so seriously that they often make domestic violence arrests indiscriminately.

Has anyone placed a call? Someone’s getting arrested—sometimes even the person who placed the call in the first place.

Statistics on Domestic Violence Charges

It’s very easy to find yourself on the receiving end of a domestic violence charge. Just take a look at these statistics.

False allegations are often associated with divorce cases, though in truth, they do not always benefit the accuser.

Does it matter if you’ve been falsely accused?

People give a lot of weight to actual guilt or innocence. In reality, once you’re arrested, legal guilt or innocence is all that matters.

  • If you’ve been falsely accused, your innocence will not save you.
  • Sometimes, minor incidents get blown up into major allegations.
  • Bi-directional incidents sometimes result in uni-directional arrests.
  • You should consider hiring a criminal defense attorney even if you are 100% guilty.

Working with a criminal defense lawyer is part of the system. It’s one of your fundamental rights under our Constitution. You should consider a private law firm like the Hill Law Firm because we have the time and expertise to investigate your case thoroughly. 

As former prosecutors, we also know how prosecutors think and what might be required to get charges dropped, dismissed, or reduced. Sometimes, if you call us fast enough and move fast enough, we can prevent charges from being filed in the first place. 

Actions to Avoid When Facing Domestic Violence Charges

Once you’ve obtained a lawyer, the success of your case will depend on whether you avoid taking actions that can make your situation worse.

  • Never talk to the cops. Cops are not your friend. Invoke your Fifth Amendment rights and ask for your lawyer.
  • Do not contact your partner in any way or any format. You cannot “talk this out.”
  • Avoid purchasing a gun. 
  • Do not make jokes about hurting your partner.
  • Once you’ve been released from custody, have your lawyer arrange a police escort so you can enter your home to pick up personal items at a time when your partner isn’t there. Find somewhere else to stay until the case is resolved. 
  • If you are not already getting a divorce, consider filing for divorce once the case is resolved. 
  • Do not post anything on social media.
  • Avoid talking to family members or friends about your case.
  • Open your own bank account. 
  • If you must meet with your partner, do it in public, in a place where witnesses and cameras are present. 

These actions can help show that you wish to leave your partner alone and that you respect their desire for safety and security.

Get Help Today

Domestic violence charges start as misdemeanors but may escalate to felony charges very quickly. Even a misdemeanor charge can change your life. 

Contact the Hill Law Firm to get help from a proven criminal defense lawyer in Houston, TX!

Posted in: Domestic Violence Charges in Texas


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